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Player of the dreaded sport of basketball and (to make matters worse) Deadhead, Bill Walton dies at the spry age of 71.

He was the NBA’s MVP in the 1977-78 season, man of the year in 1985-86, member of the league’s 50th anniversary and 75th anniversary teams, and a three-time national player of the year.

His NBA career — disrupted by chronic foot injuries (he kept stubbing his toe and stepping on legos) — lasted only 468 games.  So, 468 games is not a lot?  Hell for me will be: Sean, watch 468 basketball games.

He was also the inspiration for Teen Wolf.

Walton retired from the NBA and turned to broadcasting, despite having a pronounced stutter.  Apparently, he did well enough to win an Emmy.

I am guessing he won an Emmy for his guest stint on Scarecrow & MRs. King.  Because giving someone an Emmy for sitting around talking about sorts… well, that’s just stupid.

Especially basketball.

This hit goes to: The Mumblers!  They get a solid 30 points!

Happy Pooling,


Ghoul Pool Administrator

Current Standings:

Toto Lover: 140 – (Eric Montross – 50, Bill Hayes – 10, Lori Schappell – 40, George Schappell  – 40)

Team Sushi: 130 – (Joyce Randolph – 10, Anna “Chikadee” Cardwell – 80, Toby Keith – 40)

Tailgating w/ Jesus: 70 – (Peter Angelos – 10, OJ – 40, Whitey Herzog – 10, Carl Erskine – 10)

송지효!!!: 50 – (Marty Krofft – 20, Susan Backlinie – 30)

The Mumblers: 40 – (Alice Munro – 10, Bill Walton – 30)

Jami of Normal Voice: 40 – (Frances Sternhagen – 10, M. Emmet Walsh – 20, Dabney Coleman – 10)

Josh: 40 – (Sandra Day O’Connor – 10, Shecky Greene – 10, Louis Gossett, Jr. – 20)

Morrigan’s Mirror: 40 – (Shane MacGowan – 40)

Wes: 10 – (Rosalynn Carter – 10)

John Water’s Daughter: 10 – (Chita Rivera – 10)

Rowe Rowe Rowe Your Boat: 10 – (Bill McColl – 10)

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